Tensegrity® Home Practice Library!

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Practice the movements that helped Castaneda achieve his heights of energy and expanded awareness.


A Series of Nine-Hour Tensegrity®From Theater of the Finite to Theater of Infinity:Gathering Energy Through Reviewing your Life & Theater of Infinity® Events

Jim Morris brings to each Carlos Castaneda Tensegrity® Tour a special mood. In Moscow, everyone shared a lightness of being and open heart.

Enjoy a next Tensegrity event with Jim Morris:
Stockholm, Sweden October 22-23



Hej på er alla!

Ni är välkomna till den unika Carlos Castanedas workshop i Stockholm den 21-22 oktober som är väldigt bra introduction till Rekapitulation - den urgamla tekniken för att överblicka sitt liv och frigöra energi.
på Konradsbergsgatan 2b, Kungsholmen
Vi börjar lördag 11:30 med registrering och workshop börjar kl 12:00 till 19:00
Söndag vi börjar kl 10:00 till 13:00
Efter workshopen åker vi och besöker en av Sveriges heliga platser som kommer att blir guidad av Jörgen I Eriksson som är Norrshaman och författare till flera böcker om shamanism.


Would you like to have more energy to live your life's purpose and heart's desire?

Seers of ancient Mexico, and wisdom traditions around the world tell us - you already have all the energy that you could ever need. What you need to do is recognize that much of that energy is tied up in unexamined or limiting beliefs, judgments and stories about yourself others and the world.
Essentially they said, we are infinite beings, living in a Theater of Infinity-yet often we falsely view our options as finite.
Those seers discovered a practice called recapitulation: reviewing one's life, and untangling, with breath and movement, the knots ("nots") of energy caught in unconscious commitments, judgments or beliefs.
The word recapitulation comes from Latin for "going over the main points of a thing again," or literally "restating by heads or chapters.
Through the recapitulation, we can untie ourselves from the anchor of unexamined / unconsciously commitments we might have made in our heads, and embrace commitments more aligned with our whole being.
For seers, we perceive, discern, and remember with our whole beings. In this workshop we will practice Mapping the body, a Tensegrity movement series for not-doing that awakens memories stored in the body-mind, and helps free us to perceive.
From this perspective, we will review specific life moments to see where our energy is caught: scenes from intimacy, our careers, our education, our siblings and friends and finally our parents or those who raised us.
With the breath we will liberate the energy of each key scene and story, share it with a supportive witness, and design new directions for ourselves.
Recapitulation grows consciousness. Practicing it, you will find your original energy that you were seeking with a deeper acceptance of and appreciation for your past, a flowering of possibilities in the present and a clearer, more expansive path for your future.
Please bring a mat, notebook and pen to this event.
Jim Morris, Associate Tensegrity® Instructor will guide these events, along with the help of local Tensegrity® Facilitators and Facilitators-in-Training.

Registration: 120€ 
Contact: northern.practitoners@gmail.com
Tel: +46735455027, +46735455029

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